“Les collèges et lycées français du grand New York”

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Les collèges et lycées français
du grand New York

22 mai 2024
12:00 pm (EDT) / 18h00 (FR)


- Lyceum Kennedy French American School
- The École



The École

Head of School

Jean-Yves Vesseau

Jean-Yves a grandi en Ardèche en France et a terminé ses études de premier cycle à l’Université de Montpellier. Il a commencé sa carrière dans l’éducation en tant qu’assistant de vie scolaire tout en suivant des cours d’études supérieures et une formation pour devenir enseignant certifié. Il a ensuite enseigné l’anglais dans différentes écoles à travers le monde, de Rome à Los Angeles, avant de devenir administrateur au Lycée français de Shanghai où il a occupé le poste de proviseur adjoint. Il a ensuite pris la direction du lycée français de Taipei, où il est resté sept ans avant d’être nommé chef d’établissement de The École à l’été 2020.

[email protected]
+1 (718) 219-2768


Head of School

Bertrand Tchoumi

Dr. Bertrand Tchoumi is a lecturer at the University of the People and Principal at the French American Charter School in New York. He holds academic degrees from universities in Cameroon and the United States, with expertise in African literature and educational leadership. Dr. Tchoumi has authored academic articles and a French children's book, showcasing his commitment to education and literature. As a former journalist and educator, he advocates for diversity and equity in educational settings. Outside of work, Dr. Tchoumi enjoys playing soccer and reading thought-provoking literature.

[email protected]

Lyceum Kennedy French American School


Diane Duhesme

Avec un engagement envers l'éducation et une passion pour les langues étrangères, Mme Duhesme travaille dans l'éducation depuis 2000. Elle a débuté sa carrière en tant que professeure d'espagnol, puis a opéré une transition en 2008 vers des rôles de direction au collège et au lycée. Mme Duhesme est titulaire d'un diplôme de gestion d'établissement scolaire du secondaire et d'une certification délivrée par le ministère français de l'Éducation nationale.

[email protected]
+1 (212) 681-1877

The École

Directrice des admissions

Mireille Desalm

Originally from Brussels, Belgium, Mireille holds an associate degree in language. Raised Flemish and French, she joined the administrative team at The École in August 2012. There are many things she enjoys about being a director of admissions. Meeting students and their families who are eager to learn more about the school she represents, she feels honored to be part of their journey, and looks forward, year after year, to recruiting new students for The École.

[email protected]
+1 (646) 582-9941

Lyceum Kennedy French American School

Head of School

Pierre-Ludovic Perrot

Mr. Perrot has 18 years of experience in French education, which includes 2 years in Australia and 14 years in French American schools in the US. Prior to joining Lyceum Kennedy, Mr. Perrot helped scale the Silicon Valley French American School during his six years as Head of School, and previously led a large K-12th grade international school in Dallas. Mr. Perrot's passion for education stems from a belief that providing a bilingual curriculum in a multicultural learning environment leads to the most enriched learning experiences for our future generation.

[email protected]

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